Again with the "dot dot dot"s.... Get used to it. :)
Easter in our house is still being mapped out, tradition-wise. Our daughter is 3 1/2, so that makes it enjoyable. Whilst my hubbs was waiting to check our daughter in for her sunday school class this past Sunday, he came across a stack of papers for "Easter Story Cookies". VERY excited. Here's the recipe:
Easter Story Cookies - renamed Resurrection Day Cookies
1 c. pecan halves
1 tsp. distilled white vinegar
3 egg whites
1 pinch of salt
1 c. white sugar
Cooking Instructions:
1. Preheat oven to 33 degrees F.
2. Place pecans in resealable plastic baggie. Proceed to crush pecans in to small bits. Read aloud John 19:1-3.
3. Put 1 tsp. vinegar into medium bowl. Read aloud John 19:28-30.
4. Add egg whites to vinegar. Read aloud John 10:10-11.
5. Sprinkle salt into the egg whites. Read aloud Luke 23:27.
6. So far, the mixture isn't too appetizing. Add 1 c. sugar. Read aloud Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16. Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12-15 min until stiff peaks form. Read aloud Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3.
7. Fold in broken nuts. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto parchment paper lined baking sheet. Read aloud Matthew 27:57-60.
8. Place cookies into oven, close door, and turn oven off. Read aloud Matthew 27:65-66.
9. Go to bed. Read aloud John 16:20 and 22.
10. In the morning, open oven door and take out cookies. Read Matthew 28:1-9.
Needless to say, you can tell what we'll be doing on Saturday night. But last night, as my husband and I were getting the nugglets ready for bed, (this meaning he and I were pawing through the 4 loads of clean laundry sitting on my couch that needed to be folded, looking for jammies... don't judge... I folded it today) a commercial came on with the easter bunny. Our daughter starts laughing and says, "Easter bunny? That's so silly. There isn't any special bunny for Easter." *sigh* We're doing something right!! We choose not to teach about the bunny. I grew up knowing that Easter is Resurrection Day (which is why I renamed the cookies), but I also think my muma always called it that to make sure we took a step back from the commercialized "easter". That's what we called it for as long as I can remember, and it's what we believe. Why would we want to foreshadow (is that even the right word? I always use words that are not what they're intended for) such a wonderful day - the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ - with a bunny who hides eggs and candy? On that note, we do provide a fun little path of m&m's from her bedroom door to a small basket with stickers and silly whatnots... so I'm not completely "uncommercialized" (niiiice). And of course tomorrow night we're coloring eggs... but I'll be honest, if I could buy the coloring kits all year round, we'd be eating some funky eggs throughout all seasons.
On that note, the note of colored eggs and Jesus, I will end my first "real" montage... wrong word again? maybe... not sure... hmmm.....