Wednesday, February 9, 2011

9 months...

... has gone by QUICKLY. What's happened in 9 months? you ask... here's a list:

-Sprout turned 1... he also turned into the Ninja Squid (you know you love it)...
-Bean turned 4, which means Kindergarten starts this year. *sobbing*...
-We decided to look into fostering a child or 2...
-Instead we decided to adopt...
-Hubbs was invited on a missions trip to Port-au-Prince, Haiti to do work at an orphanage...
-Before he left, we saw a profile of a 3 year old boy at the orphanage who lost his parents in the quake or a following mudslide...
-We're adopting him!...
-Hubbs just got back from said work/missions trip and it was eye-opening, humbling, heart-wrenching (these are his words, but I knew from pictures)...
-We get to skype with him every Saturday if the orphanage has power...
-We're halfway through our adoption paperwork and it's been an emotional roller coaster already and he won't be home for 2 more years...
-I got a lock for the fridge so Ninja Squid, aka Sprout, cannot get into it and suck on the tabasco sauce anymore....

So, I really need to update this more frequently. I have actually thought of it many, many, many times, but it's always when I'm driving. We all know I can't do it while I'm driving... I wonder if there's an award out there if I did....

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