Friday, February 18, 2011

I love...

...the way Bean "reads" a book to Sprout.

...the way he laughs when she does the voices.

...the way Hubbs gets home and roughhouses with them.

...the giggles that ensue with said roughhousing.

...the smell of a 50 degree day in February winter.
...the sound of Sprout growling like a big, bad bear.

...hearing giggles while they color, only to discover that Sprout has colored his face with washable marker... that doesn't wash off that well.

...watching Bean try to teach Sprout everything that she knows.

...knowing that God has placed Big Eyes in a safe orphanage and that He is looking over him until he can come home.

...the love that Bean and Sprout have for the brother that they've only seen on skype. orange living room (I know. random.)

...that I have a husband and  friends who keep me accountable and grounded in God's word.

...that even if I don't want to hear it, they speak truth and honesty to me, knowing that I will accept it even if I don't like it.

...all the blessings that God has bestowed on me. I just wish I deserved them.

1 comment:

  1. I like this. And if you start believing you deserve the won't.
